Sản phẩm của Truong Phuc Farm Company Limited

Thông tin sản phẩm

Baby broccoli is a green vegetable that is a natural cross between collard greens and cauliflower. Therefore, their shape is similar to cauliflower plants, but the flowers are smaller, the stems are longer and more slender.

Many people often confuse baby cauliflower with baby cauliflower, but that is not the case. C This superfood was grown by a Japanese company called Sakata in 1993. By 2014, they began to be introduced to Vietnam.

Since its inception, baby cauliflower has become an extremely popular food among Vietnamese housewives. Because they are sweet, soft, and can use both the stem and the cotton.

The effects of baby broccoli on health Baby cauliflower is popular and sought after in the market because its effects are several dozen times greater than regular broccoli.

Accordingly, baby broccoli is known for the following miraculous benefits: Preventing cancer According to the latest research, this vegetable can help prevent some cancers. Especially stomach cancer. Baby broccoli contains compounds that reduce the influence and colonization of H.Pylori bacteria in the intestines. This is a type of bacteria considered to be the cause of stomach cancer. Research also shows that sulforaphane in baby broccoli has the ability to return DNA methylation abnormalities to a normal state.

According to research published in Plos One, eating baby broccoli four times a week can protect the health of prostate cancer patients. Good for kidneys and blood pressure Sulforaphane in this superfood not only helps prevent cancer but also helps blood pressure function normally and enhances kidney function. Besides, the natural compounds in baby broccoli also contribute to improving kidney function and regulating blood pressure. Strengthens the immune system and prevents aging. Baby broccoli is a vegetable rich in sulforaphane.

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