Sản phẩm của Bao Dai Duong Joint Stock Company

Luvikids - Ancient medicine

85,000 VND

Thông tin sản phẩm

Famous physicians in ancient times attached great importance to children's illnesses. During the Warring States period, the famous physician Bian Que was a pediatrician. During the Tang Dynasty, famous physician Ton Tu Mac proposed the establishment of a separate pediatrics clinic. During the Song Dynasty, a famous physician specializing in pediatrics appeared, Tien At in Quan Chau (now Shandong province), born in 1023.

Tien At's treatment for children always follows the principle of flexibility. He believes that children's bodies have their own characteristics, so when examining patients, we must rely on those characteristics to treat them flexibly, and should not follow ancient prescriptions. When prescribing, it is necessary to apply the principle of softness.

One day, a doctor held the prescription that Tien At prescribed and asked: "Tien Thai physician, comparing with the prescription that Truong Trong Canh wrote in "Kim Quy's Essentials", this prescription of yours seems to be missing. You two, did you forget the millet? Tien At took the prescription and looked it over once, then explained: "The medicine prescribed by Truong Trong Canh is for adults. Children with full yang energy can get nosebleeds if they are given Cinnamon and Fu Tu, so I give up these two hot medicines."

Another example, in the capital, there was a rich man who came to him to ask him to cure his child's illness. It turned out that the baby had sputum heat disease, and the doctors were accustomed to prescribing cool-tasting medicine to relieve heat. Unexpectedly, after taking the medicine, the child's illness did not improve but got worse, he coughed continuously, and even stopped eating. Tien At checked the baby's mood and pulse, and prescribed medicine with warm herbs. The doctor who treated the baby before took the prescription to look at it and asked: "Thai Doctor Tien, that child has such an obvious heat illness, why do you still prescribe it to warm people?".

Tien At smiled and said: "You shouldn't worry too much. I do have a heat illness, but the medicine I took before was all cold. Too much cold hurts the spleen, making him not want to eat or drink, which makes his illness worse. If you still use cold medicine now, it can be dangerous. In this emergency, give spleen tonic medicine first as an appetizer, then treat the lung heat disease, the effect will be better." The child took medicine according to Tien At's prescription. Two days later, he was indeed better. He again prescribed medicine with a cold taste. After taking the second dose of medicine, the disease disappeared.


Reduces night sweating in children
Helps your baby stop anorexia, eat well, and sleep well
Increase physical condition, enhance immunity
Prevent recurrent respiratory infections
Reduces heat symptoms: Red lips, red tongue...

Shu di: Shu di is a medicinal herb with a sweet taste, fragrant smell and slightly warm properties, with the function of nourishing blood, stimulating yin, and regenerating thirst. In Oriental Medicine, Thuc Dia is often used to treat yin and blood disorders such as back pain and knee pain, body weakness, spermatorrhea, diuresis, tinnitus, deafness, headaches, dizziness, and impaired vision.
Mountain dogwood: Mountain dogwood has cool properties, sour taste, slightly acrid, attributed to the liver and kidney meridians, has the effect of nourishing the liver and kidneys, enhancing erectile function, benefiting sperm, and clearing the intestines. In oriental medicine, sumac is used to treat rheumatism, numbness, back pain, ringing in the ears, kidney failure, frequent urination; Nourishes the liver and kidneys, cures spermatorrhea, semen in urine, menstrual disorders, and night sweats.
Hoai Son: Hoai Son has a neutral nature, sweet taste, belongs to the meridians, has the effect of nourishing the spleen, benefiting the heart and lungs, nourishing the kidneys, treating dysentery, and reducing heat. In oriental medicine, Hoai Son is used as a tonic for the five internal organs, strengthens tendons and bones, and is used to treat weak health, intestinal diseases, diarrhea, spermatorrhea, wet dreams, spermatorrhea, kidney failure, back fatigue, frequent urination. , dizziness, lightheadedness, night sweats.
Trach cholera: Lowers the gums, secretes impure energy in the kidneys, reduces the stagnation and heat of the rhizome.
Phuc Linh: Phuc Linh has a sweet, light, neutral taste, has the effect of improving water absorption, strengthening the spleen, and stabilizing the mind. In Oriental medicine, Phuc Linh is used as a tonic, diuretic, and to treat bloating, bloating, diarrhea, spleen damage, and poor appetite. In addition, it is also used as a calming medicine, calming the nerves, treating fear of fire, insomnia, and spermatorrhea.
Dan dau: Clears heat and reduces the waxiness of sumac.

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