Sản phẩm của Ngoc Duy Tea Company Limited

Ngoc Duy Special Soft Artichoke 1kg Box

500,000 VND
High quality ingredients: 100% pure Da Lat artichoke with very high medicinal properties & cultivated according to VietGap clean agricultural standards. Manufactured at a modern factory: meeting ISO International 22000:2018 & GMP standards, closed process to ensure food safety and hygiene...

Thông tin sản phẩm

High quality ingredients: 100% pure Da Lat artichoke with very high medicinal properties & cultivated according to VietGap clean agricultural standards

Manufactured at a modern factory: meeting ISO International 22000:2018 & GMP standards, closed process ensuring food safety and hygiene...

Create a special product line of "Soft Artichoke Extract" made from 65% leaves, 30% artichoke flowers, 5% sugar with a delicious, easy-to-drink flavor with many useful effects...

If you want to reduce pimples, reduce allergic itching, reduce melasma and freckles, help beautify the skin, Helps support lowering liver enzymes, liver fat, eliminating Hepatitis, lowering blood fat, clearing heat, detoxifying the liver, eliminating alcohol, Please persevere in using artichoke extract every day...

Product advantages: This product line can be used to mix daily drinks, or cook ginseng water, soak in wine...

The product has full barcode, certification, and testing information - methodically researched and completely controlled by a team of highly qualified Doctors and Pharmacists - Customers can buy and use products with peace of mind...

Product barcode: 8936185500153
Business registration number: 5800466303 (TRA NGOC DUY TEA COMPANY LIMITED)
The factory meets international standards ISO - GMP - US FDA
Product quality testing number: 190328/1/0207-03
Food safety No. 7139/2019/DKSP Department of Hygiene and Safety - Ministry of Health
Certified OCOP products, high quality Vietnamese products

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